Jainy’s shoulder

Jainy's shoulder


“At the door of evening 
when the wind leapds up
Jainy leans on the wind.
The ground gives away
She begins to listen 
to tender voices.
Now she sees over the shoulder 
blissful, no foe can defeat her
Converted to pure matter, she comes
and meets there the very essence of the self.”

This is a picture with a throw from our new collection which I have draped over Jainy’s shoulder.
The throw from The RED HALO collection is made in pure wool with an Aari embroidery.
Aari is a minute chain stitch done by a hook which is an adaptation of the cobbler’s awl, it is a very delicate and floral style of embroidery, influenced by Moghul designs. 

Jainy kindly allowed me to use her soulder for a few pictures and to give a feminine touch to those series.
This young lady is from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and has some Indian roots, she is a pharmacist and we met when was stutdying fragrance and cosmetics in Europe. 

Since a few seasons I am trying to find unprofessional models for the RED HALO catalogues.

It is funny that none of the Banarsi women around me accept to do it, even among those who are less conservative, while men are happily doing it.

I promise that I won’t show more than a shoulder, however the weight of cultural tradition, convention and customs is still very important in the holy city.

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